Who Loves Orange Bubble Baths? Liz Loves Orange Bubble Baths.

Oh the weekend, the best part of the week. I often enjoy a relaxing soak in the tub whilst I read my magazines. Yep I read real magazines that you can hold in your hands. This past weekend I used up the last bit of my favorite bubble bar, the lush Brightside Bubble Bar which reminds me of the cartoon-ish volcanoes I used to draw as a child. This bath bar has the most delicious citrus scent. I often find some of lush’s products to be overwhelming scent wise, this bubble bar is the exception. The smell is wonderful and very relaxing plus the fact that it looks like I am bathing in orange soda doesn’t hurt. I promise it doesn’t stain your tub! I wholeheartedly recommend this bubble bar, if you are going to try just one thing from lush.

LUSH Brightside


Who Loves Orange Bubble Baths? Liz Loves Orange Bubble Baths.